Devry University, Educard Account
Devry University, And Educard Account Financial fraudulent billing and Mishandling of Gov. Student funds

Education & Science

Hello, my name is Keith and I became a student of Devry University in fall of 06 and took out a Stafford loan for the classes I registered for during the end of the A session and the Beginning of the B session. I was told I need another Private loan ($1500.00) taken out without a thorough explanation as to why the loan was needed when I was eligible for financial aid. Aaron, the academic and financial aid advisor of the Gurnee Center, wanted me to get on this right away before he went on vacation.

Well, it turned out he didnt go anyway that week and I was directed the following weekend after class to call Student Financial Services in Chicago at the request of the Gurnee Center administration.

Upon not getting an follow-up from Aaron Salentine (Gurnee Academic/Financial Advisor) I made several phone calls to them and dated the conversation as you can see on the following pages. (Please, keep in mind the dates and how long Ive been dealing with this situation)

Aaron Salentine Academic / Financial advisor Chicago Student Finance Dept
Devry University / Gurnee Center 847 553 3879
847 855 2649

3/8 I spoke with Que I.D. # 01029572 Chicago Student Finance.

4/3 Emailed Aaron Salentine (Financial Advisor) Devry Gurnee Center.

4/3 called Student Finance and spoke to Julia who referred me back to Que. Chicago Student Finance.

4/17 called Student Finance and they mentioned what grants I was packaged for particularly, the MAPP and the Illinois grants which exceeded the amount need for tuition.

4/17 I spoke to Dana Student Finance of the escalation team and she said, shed speed the process
Dana checked the Elms system for further notes regarding my account and said she would talk to Que about the disbursements since they were posted. Student Finance.

Dana gave me the number to College Zone concerning the MAPP and IL grants.
Rick Williams College Zone said that the MAPP and IL grant was issued Feb. 26 negative $2,152.00 of $2,484.00 was disbursed in Feb. 26

5/10 I spoke with Janelle of the escalation team Chicago Student Finance, and she gave me an itemized list over the phone of all the disbursement regarding my account in which it contradicts the Edu-card/Devry finance account statements Ive been receiving that doesnt show accurate disbursements that Chicago Student finance has on their database.

I created a spread sheet that replicates the Educard statements and Ive updated my disbursements for my personal records. Ive been waiting on the Escalation Department of Devry University Student Finance Dept. At 1866 553 3879 to discuss my financial adjustments and explanation of my current account. I have spoken with several Representatives there.

On March 8 I spoke to a gentleman by the name of Que I.D. #01029572. Que who first noticed some discrepancies on my account and submitted a ticket to the escalation team for review and no one neither returned my call nor sent an email addressing the matter.

I was asked to contact you in regards to the above mentioned with a letter explaining what seems to be a constant tampering of funds dispersed on my behalf from Gov. Agencies etc. I would really appreciate your support in finding out whats going on with my account since both parties involving Devry are not currently cooperating. Que who was the first person I talked to regarding my account gave Aaron Salentine instructions on what to do upon fixing the matter but, Aaron insists that I wasnt enrolled in Devry to be eligible for the MAPP grant and Chicago Student Finance insists I was eligible.

So, please look into this matter because, my education is at jeopardy here. I mean, talk about a total inconvenience with sitting out for almost two semesters now. Again, I cant express how your cooperation would really be appreciated

Company: Devry University, Educard Account
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Gurnee
Address: 1075 Tri-State Parkway
Phone: 8478552649
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