Panda Research
They said I had 98.00 in the account then said I had 78.00 then later said I had 75.00 ripoff

Education & Science

I had done over 306.00 in surveys recieved several orders, and bills that I was told, I would be paid for, then I was denied. They say that you get paid but all you get is bills, and crap you decide you want nothing to do with it. I accrued over 200.00 worth of bills thinking I would be compensated then was told I did not get anything, after I was told that I would recieve payment, they took it all away.

I do not think this is a fair practice. I think they really suck, and I got chewed out by my mate, because the internet told me they were a good way to work at home, and get paid. Boy, was I wrong.

Company: Panda Research
Country: USA
State: California
City: Bakersfield
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Panda Research
Identity Theft Through Panda Research And Never Got Paid For Surveys. Identity Theft, Panda Research, Paid Surveys, Non-payment, Paid out over $1000.00 ripoff nationwide

Panda Research
PANDA RESEARCH - PAID SRVEYS Failed to transfer funds to Pay-Pal ripoff

Routing Numbe
Consumer Report

Panda Research
Ripoff does not pay for filling out their surveys

Panda Research-paid Serveys
Panda Research-paid Surveys From Home Have not been paid for surveys taken. And they have changed their terms now Online

Chase Credit Card
My responsibilty

Panda Research
Bogus surveys - You WILL NOT be paid by them

Cash Crazy
Wont pay

Health Care Services
Paid none of my bills

Panda Research
Still waiting for check Internet