Money Wayz, Turnkey Wayz, Direct Hitz
Money Wayz, Turnkey Wayz Direct Hitz ripoff dishonest fraudulent

Education & Science

I recieved a pnone call 12/20/06, from a person whom identified himself as Mike Hill, Director of Marketing. He said for $10,000.00 he would guarantee 100,00 hits each on my six web sites, for a total of 600.000 hits in one years time. I was told to send the money to, Direct Hitz/4727 E. Bell Rd./Phoenix, AZ 85032.
On 12/22/06,

I sent an OFFICIAL CHECK for $10,000.00 as a few days Mike called and said there was sume kind of problem and wanted proof of my address, identification, and another check for $10,000.00, and he would send the first check back.

On 02/02/07 I sent a credit card check, (from my Discover account), for $10,000.00, and in return I was sapose to get the first check for $10,000.00, with 6 business portfolios, 66 advertizing portfolios, 6 financial portfolios, and three letters of guerantee, and a disk of all our phone conversations.

I've yet to receive a thing. Mike has called me two or three times an said I would get all my money back, (the last time was 05/04/07) and nothing has happend.

Company: Money Wayz, Turnkey Wayz, Direct Hitz
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phonix
Address: 3030 N. Central Ave. Suite 900/4727 E. Bell Rd., Suite 45-424
Phone: 4805136484
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On Line Hitz
Tony bond called me 2 weeks ago told me to send money for money wayz ads Ripoff

Money Wayz - Turnkey Wayz - Usbhc Nbac - Usbac National Business Advisory Council
Money Wayz Aka Turnkey Wayz Aka usbhc Aka Nbac Aka National Business Advisory Council Conspiracy By Biz-op and Recovery room. Ripoff! Tempe, Phoenix, Scottsdale

Turnkey Wayz
They sold website "selling" in 5 categories. Revenue for them, none for the suckers

Turnkey Wayz - Moneywayz - Shopwayz
Turnkey Wayz Moneywayz Shopwayz ripoff don't follow through tricky bad product

Moneywayz, Turnkeywayz, Travelwayz, Shopwayz, Mortgagewayz, Taxwayz, Other Wayz
Moneywayz, Turnkeywayz, Healthwayz, Travelwayz, Shopwayz, Mortgagewayz, Taxwayz WAYZ to RIPOFF YOUR MONEY

Turnkey Wayz - Moneywayz - Moneywayz System
I was ripped off $1,385.00. No income since I MONEYWAYZ Nov. 13

Money Wayz LLC, Turn Key, ECommerce
Money wayz turn key, ecommerce (as a former employee), this business is a complete rip off who uses people on fixed incomes and the elderly phoenix arizona

MoneywayZ, Turnkey WayZ, HealthWayz, Mortgagewayz, Travelwayz, Taxwayz RIPOFF
Fraud on Payment

Turnkey Wayz
Web Site Design ripped me off United Kingdom