Better Business Organization, Inc
Fraudulent billing of company phone services ripoff

Education & Science

This company calls your retail business and tricks (records) unknowing clerks into agreeing with him while he talks in a heavy, low accented voice. The scam is, of course, that he has tricked the clerk into agreeing to have some phony service charge added to your phone bill.

The nasty thing is that the phone company (Verizon - Which will be reported seperately) is complicit in aiding and abetting this scam. As they bill and collect the phony charges, but will not assist in getting restitution when the fraud is discovered, hiding behind the fact that the fraudster has recorded the clerk "agreeing" to the charge.

In our case, we ultimately got back about half of the charges, but should have received a full refund. Without the assistance of the phone company, this, of course, is impossible.

Company: Better Business Organization, Inc
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 5815 STODDARD RD #600
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