Western Intertie System
Shorty Ask to join then a month later asked to pay up or just leave. Ripoff

Education & Science

I am always hounded by some whom the opperator likes to joke with and others go their way and there is no one whom will stand up to whats going on.

Then a month after you start talikng and putting up with their shnaggogens they ask to to pay up or just leave and never come back.

Then the words get much more descritive as long as your are with them and espically at their gatherings.

Company: Western Intertie System
Country: USA
State: California
City: Vista
Address: 2040 Hawley Drive
Phone: 7607244020
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Detroit energy theater
Concert near mishap

Post Office Washington, DC
Ad service and attuide

Web Media Malls, LLC
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Ephone telecom
Ephonetelecom unlimited long distance well let me tell you it's real limited what a ripoff

Dish Network
All lies

Ripoff by increasing rates WITHOUT notice after Garanteeing that the rates would not rise Rate went up 200% in one month without permission or notice

Stay away!

Better Business Bureau - BBB OF WESTERN WASHINGTON
BBB ratings "what a joke" pay the fee and get better ratings? Whats that?

Direct Buy
The membership fee was a big rip-off