University Of Phoenix
Ripoff Learning team assemblies

Education & Science

UOP Rip Off

I am a current student with UOP, participating in the University's blended courses. I attend a campus in the Cleveland area, and came across this posting while researching Lotus Rental Cars for my current Communications course.

This is my first experience with furthering my education since high school graduation almost twenty years ago. With the completion of this course I will have twenty-seven credits (ninth course), all with a 4.0 (so far).

With the beginning of my second course, I felt something was wrong. That same feeling has continued for nearly a year now. The learning teams well, what can be said. They appear real enough in the on campus location, but so far everything else in the posting seems to be dead on. The teams are constructed with individuals who have no business being in the classroom to begin with. Team assignments have proven that people write the same way that they speak. The submitted paper, though plagiarized, is decidedly better than the work submitted by some of my former teammates.

For most of those nine courses, team assemblies were horrid. I was blessed with opportunity to be a part of a team, a really strong team, which lasted for more than two consecutive courses. For those three courses, everyone participated and contributed. The other nine courses well, as some of you mentioned, someone did all the work.

There is no consistency, format, or accountability with the UOP courses. At one point I was teamed with a UOP enrollment counselor seeking her degree. This counselor was clearly unable to handle the work as a student, much less as an enrollment counselor. Serious questions still exist.

Yes, since week six, things seemed wrong. As each course passes, more problems become clearly evident, with instructors and students alike. UOP has been a big disappointment, but does have one advantage. Continuing to carry a 4.0, the plan is to switch to an accepted, fully accredited college near the end of the degree program. Get the A's, transfer the credits to a real University near the end, and have that University's name on the degree.

UOP is clearly not accepted in the occupational pool of opportunities that is the job market. Several interviews have proven this fact: Interviewers who bluntly say so, the smirks when UOP is mentioned, and the sarcastic comments. UOP is not the answer, but it does have a benefit when considering the GPA before transferring to a real university.

Company: University Of Phoenix
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cleveland
Address: uop. edu
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