Bridgeway Academic Booksellers - Dave Spess
Ebay fraud, sent me threatening email, has history of theft, ripoff new mexico

Education & Science

In the summer of 2006 i attempted to buy a book from this seller on ebay. (seems this seller has used multiple ebay screen names in order to fool and defraud the general public seller dave spess is currently using the ebay screen name of BRIDGEWAY BOOKS)

I became very suspicious when seller tried to charge me additional shipping fees (bridgeway books tried to charge me almost $30.00 to send 1 book from new mexico to colorado) i asked seller (BRIDGEWAYBOOKS) to provide their physicial company address AND THEY REFUSED. This really made me very suspicious i could find no record of their company existing in TAOS NEW MEXICO.

Seller then sent me a threatening email trying to use me as a vehicle to terrorize another ebay member completely unrealted to my transaction. Seems to me this seller has many problems with other ebay members. Why he sent me this email is a mystery i surmised he was attempting to scare me.

Further research upon this seller revealed even more disturbing elements. This seller claims to have had a bookstore in boulder colorado the odd thing is i have been to boulder colorado hundreds of times IN THE AREA WHERE THIS STORE WAS TO HAVE EXISTED and never saw any such store!

SEEMS this seller DAVE SPESS has also been BANNED FROM ENTERING THE PREMISES of multiple book sellers in colorado!!!

Seller claims to have a huge building in taos new mexico with a hundred thousand plus books and a customer service department so why would seller be afraid to disclose their company physicial address. I ask myself what self respecting honest company would try to conceal the physicial location of their company? And why would they do this unless they had something to HIDE?

It is my honest and firm belief that this company tried to defraud me and get me to send hundreds of dollars to a post office box.

These people were very mean and disrespectfull to me especially when they found out that i would not send money to a post office box. I kept asking them for a physicial address and they REFUSED REFUSED AND REFUSED.
I strongly suggest that this company be researched.

I recently saw on their feedback on ebay that a customer of theirs claims he did not get what he paid for, there is other negative feedback as well, but as this seller changes his ebay screen name its hard to really see what he has done to the unspecting public.


Company: Bridgeway Academic Booksellers - Dave Spess
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
City: TAOS
Address: P.O. BOX 2677
Phone: 5057581324
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Bridgeway Books - Bridgeway Academic Bookstore - Dave Spess
Sent me threatening email, refused to provide company physicial address, ebay ripoff

Bridgewaybooks, Dave Spess Bridgeway Academic Book Bookstore
Bridgewaybooks dave spess bridgeway academic book bookstore ebay fraud by sellers bridgewaybooks con artists ripoff taos new mexico

Bridgeway Academic Bookstore
Sent me threatening email would not provide physicial company address tried to defraud me ripoff

BRIDGEWAY ACADEMIC BOOKSELLERS - David Spess - Ebay Id Asvin - Ebay Store Name Rare Book And Art Room RIPOFF This person, bookstore, didn't give me a refund on a $1455.98 bill after I send there books back to them. I didn't even open the box they sent me

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