Earthsource2005 - EBay
Earthsource2005 EBay Seller Ripoff, Accepts buyer's payments and never sends merchandise

Shops, Products, Services

This seller's feedback speaks for itself. Not only does this seller NOT send items to paying customers, but also leaves retaliatory negative feedback. (link deleted - see below)

As of 8/15/05 it has been 28 days since the seller cashed my check. I e-mailed the seller twice to inquire about the status of my order with no response. I filed a dispute through eBay's dispute console with no response after the required 10 days.

Because my items didn't cost over $25 eBay will do nothing to return my money. I have to eat the cost even though the seller is committing fraud.

My hope in filing this report is to keep other buyers from becoming a victim of fraud. EBay will do nothing to reign in their sellers who get out of hand because they are adding to the bottom line. Even a seller with 15 negative feedbacks in the past month, and a total of 58 in the past 6 months can continue to do business.

This report is for eBay and the sellers who continue to rip off paying customers with absolutely no resolution from eBay. My money is hard earned, but apparently not worth much to eBay. Because I didn't spend more than $25 it isn't worth eBay's time to force the seller to pay or shut down their eBay store.

Company: Earthsource2005 - EBay
Country: USA
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Robert Showalter
Ripoff, never recieved item, fraudulant Ebay

Sumpteresales Fraud by Seller and No action against seller by ebay ripoff

Carmen H. Rosa - Checkourexpress Fraudulent ebay seller Internet Selling - Hostile Communications ripoff

Ebay allows non-paying bidders to leave negative feedback RIPOFF

Ripoff seller with 100% good feedback are ripping people off and ebay does nothing

Complict if seller fraud ebay seller rabin70, seller faucettownusa Ebay's "Buyer Prtection" is clever fraud allowing sellers to circumvent dispute processes

Ebay does not protect seller! Encourages fraudulent Buyers

Ripoff purchase automobile and paid for and did not recived automobile


Paypal, seller id Rabin70 Fraudulent operation, no buyer protection as advertised, seller can circumvent ebay rules easily