Greatest Vitamin In The World
Is a scam. Ripoff

Education & Science

I have just come to light about this website and decided to read all the entries about Don Lapre and the Greatest Vitamin in the World. I am not surprised when I read all about how this company has ripped off many people. I also met an individual whom I work with that shared some disturbing things about this company.

First of all. I read another entry that stated he recieved 7 orders and all stopped after that. I also recieved 7 orders and no matter what I did to advertise, there were no other orders after 820 hits to my site. I am going to list first names to see if other people might have these same names for their seven. Barbara, Jessica, Albano, Randolph, Laura, Marilyn, Yelena. It is also weird that all these orders were placed during the early morning hours. 1am, 3am, 1245am, 5am, 7am (twice), 6am.

If you have these same names, it just deepens the dung that shrouds this company and its practices.

If you read more about Don Lapre, it would be in your best interest not to work with this company. There are many other companies out there that do not have the reputation that this company has.

Take a look at this website to give you more insight about this operation. (ror redacted link for security purposes)

Company: Greatest Vitamin In The World
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: Don Lapre
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The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre, CEO
The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre, CEO Greatest Vitamin In The World Let Down

Guaranteed Traffic - The World's Greatest Vitamin - Vision One
Guaranteed Traffic - The World's Greatest Vitamin-Vision One - Don Lapre Ripoff CONSUMER ADVICE BETTER CONTACT W ITH NUMBER

Don Lapre - the Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre-the Greatest Vitamin In The World ripoff has not refunded my money have promised to refund in april it is may now

The Greatest Vitamins In The World
Don Lapre took all the money I had to start my vitamin business, and now I don't have a website or my money back. Phoenik

Don Lapre Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre Greatest Vitamin Rip-off In The World Is this guy still in business?

Don Lapree The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre The Greatest Vitamin In The World The Greatest Vitamin went Bust! Foiled by a thief: Don Lapre

Donald Lapre, The Greatest Vitamin In The World
They swindle me out of $1390.19 for something that doesn't work. I just want my money back from this company and the CEO / Preisdent Don Lapre. Or i will take legal action and file a lawsuit against Mr. Don Lapre, for false pretense

Don Lapre And The Greatest Vitamin In The World, Amazing Products International
Its time for you to go to Court Again and pay for what you have done to millions of hard working people!

Don Lapre And The Greatest Vitamin In The World
"The greatest vitamin in the world" advertised that when you became an independent advitiser you would get paid $1000 for every 20 peolple you got to try the product

The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre, Jason Heitz, Gordon Voncal, Greg, Scott Aston, Greg Games, The Greatest Vitamin in the World, has committed Fraud Act. False pretense, false promises, and misrepresentation made by a seller or advertiser of merchandise