Buyers Union
Thieves of The Night They're Dishonest and Fraudulent

Education & Science

I recieved a phone call late one evening from someone saying that I had been selected to win free groceries. That got my attention because times is hard and if I could win something it would be great. So, I was like tell me more. They said all I had to pay was 3.95 for the shipping of my package Needless to say I had been "Had". When I recieved my bank statement they had withdrawed 3.95 twice and 119.90 all at once. That left me with three over drafts. When I contacted the bank about it they said I could file some kind of report after I contacted them to see if they would first put it back.

However, it did'nt happen. When I went back to the bank about it, they pretty much said that it was my fault. I am with a different bank now. This happened in October. I've contacted Buyers Union on several occassions for a refund and they have lied again and again. The last time I contacted Buyers Union was by certified mail dated July 19. Still no refund.

Company: Buyers Union
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: 1442 E. Lincoln Ave. Box 361
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