A & R Property Management

Education & Science

Margaret Dade, owner of A&R Property Management took responsiblity of my townhouse after purchasing from former owners.

Margaret has not provided me proper statements in a timely matter and the dates and amounts were not correct. She is suppose to hold all monies in a trust and this has just not been done. She has misrepresented the amounts of monies given to her from tenants (their security deposits).

She has submitted two checks which were returned for insufficient funds and she has not deposited other rental money which she has collected.

The homeowner association has also had problems with insifficient funding and she has paid the HO association in erratic fashion with a balance of $1408.90. They have sent certified letters to her and unfortunately she has not kept them informed about my recent moves so I have not received any info on this.

She stated that my last tenants did not pay their rent for three months and she told them to leave but had to return them the deposit money. I have asked for this accounting but as of yet, have not received. She stated that she had taken them to small claims and got a judgement but as of yet, I have not seen any of that money. This allegedly is a total of $4,615.00.

She owes me $10,523.90 to date and that is without an audit of books for the past three years which I am in the process of doing now.

Margaret continues to ignore my telephone calls, faxes, and emails.

Company: A & R Property Management
Country: USA
State: California
City: Pleasanton
Address: 239 Main St
Phone: 9254622810
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