Poetry Forum, dirty ripoff liars & cheats

Education & Science

In 1994 I submitted a poem to Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum. It was a token of my love for my new born son. I received a letter stating that My poem had been selected and would be in the Poetic Voices of America and that I would need to reserve my copy, addition ones available (of course).

There was a fee, and like an idiot, I paid, happy with the thought that my children would see what I wrote of them. It was 1994 and I still have all of the papers from then, and Sparowgrass still has not published my poem, and if my children never read that poem in their damned book I hope GOD has mercy and doesnt send them straight to hell.

Willacoochee, Georgia

Company: Sparrowgrass
Country: USA
State: West Virginia
City: Sistersville
Address: PO Box 193
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Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum
Stold copy writes to poem i've written and submitted to contest they were having

Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum
Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum is a money-grabbing fraud, poets beware!

Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum
Ripoff fraud, runaround

Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum

American Poetry Society
Ripoff, unfairness
Is a hoax! Ripoff! These liars need to be stopped!
Ripoff thieves stole my poem Owings Mills

Howard Ely - The National Library Of Poetry - rip off

Thr International Library Of Poetry
The International Library Of Poetry ripoff - International Library Of Poetry International Library Of Poetry After writing a poem, they sent a letter telling me I had talent and encourage me to buy their book at 49.99, that I will be published in, what a scam!