V-auction Pro - Auction Success Team
Ripoff fraud liars

Education & Science

Caution! Caution! Caution!

We joined the V-Pro Auction Success Team in January. We were very excited about the possibilities of becoming a Power Seller on Ebay, as touted by a guy by the name of Dennis with whom we spoke to on the telephone. We were told all kinds of great and wonderful things and how that if we would listen carefully and follow their instructions, we would become highly successful selling items on EBay.

I am a trucker and out on the road for 2-3 weeks at a time. I am the computer person in the house and wanted to help my wife establish a legitimate business she should easily run from home. Several weeks went by and during this time, my wife attended one online training session. It turned out to be such a basic course, basically it was a waste of time to attend. We thought there would be other sessions more advanced to attend, but we were wrong.

We called to have our password and ID codes changed and that took place without a hitch! Ken was wonderful, friendly and extremely helpful and that is where the good things ended!

I called a guy by the name of Burt and spoke to him for about 30-45 minutes on a Wednesday, as I recall. Burt sounded very positive the he would personally handle my account and that if I would call him on the very next Saturday, he would help me for as long as I required. Saturday came... I called but Burt was too busy to even answer the phone. He claimed to have never talked to me and claimed he did even know who I was. I was very upset and wrote him an angry email explaining that he should not make a promise for help, that he should be professional enough to at least live up to his promises. He refused to respond.

Burt told me on the phone that Wednesday, that Valerie would be the best person to speak with about items to sell on Ebay. So, I called her and told her on her VOICE MAIL that I was some angry and needed help to change my attitude about Ebay. She never responded. I called several times and left the same amount of messages... All which went neglected and ignored. Well, as you might imagine, I became rather hot about the entire sitaution! Yes, I called, and called and called. I left all kinds of messages and still we never once received a courtesy call or a call to provide help. NEVER!

On Feb 19 V-pro extracted their $99.91 monthly fee from my bank account. The problem is that I had send an email to Burt and specifically told him to not take any more funds from my account unless I gave them further authorization. Then is when Valerie wrote to tell us that we had agreed to LEGAL TERMS and they took our funds based on implied consent. Well, my wife got really hot under the collar and in her own way, wrote several scathing email message directed to Valerie. The SCAM word was used and Valerie just about went into orbit! That created a very hostile environment between V-pro Auction Success Team and us.

Things just went downhill even more from there. Today, I wrote V-pro and told them to stop sending us sarcastic messages and get down to reality and give us the help we paid for.instead, Valerie sent us an email message and told us we were cancelled and that she didn't want to hear from us any more. The problem here is that the company just took $99.91 which implies the company will provide quality customer service through the end of the month, which ends on or about 21 March. Imagine that... Valerie decided that they would not provide the service we paid for... AGAIN!

If you read through some of the other inputs on this consumer complaints website, you will find lots of other messages from people who got took by these folks!

They will take your money, they will make HUGE promises and build up your ego to make you think you will be a success. The problem is that you will call and only get their Voice Mail answering machines. They will never return your calls. They will NOT provide the level of support they promise and you will end up frustrated, irrate, and extremely pissed off... Just like us!

Once they have your bank account information, they will charge you until you get upset and do something about it. You will have to close your credit card, ATM/Checking Card or whatever you used to allow them access to your funds.

Warning... Please do not get involved with these scam artists!!!

OCALA, Florida

Company: V-auction Pro - Auction Success Team
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Sunset
Phone: 8669325255
  <     >  


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