Auction Success Team - V-Motion
V-Motion - ripoff, misleading sales pitch, None existent tech support

Business & Finance

This Company including these individuals Terry Meyer and Valerie Bingaman should be viewed as questionable individuals, I was approached and lead to believe with a little effort on my part (5-10 hours per week) I could easily make $3000-$5000 a month... Sounds GOOD! So I paid for what I thought was my ticket to easy street... I put in the time and then some, learning all about search engine optimization, keywords, how to build traffic to your website, ect. Sometime's gruelling well into the night... Eventually
I created a website with thier software, but was limited to what was available in the way of choices (color, font style, ect.) nonetheless I actually had a website...

After doing more research I bought the Dremweaver MX2004 software to help fine tune the things I didnt like about the limitations involved with thier software, when I emailed Valerie Bingaman (tech support for auction success team) and after several days, I was informed I couldn't change anything in the website with outside software and actually she had never even heard of Dreamweaver software, GRRRR!

When I was initially approached by Terry Meyer, I was concerned about the age of my computer and the fact I didn't have DSL or a Cable connection I was led to believe by Terry Meyer I could actually run a website on a dial-up connection, HARDLY!

I tried to have friends of mine, buy things off my website but to no avail, it seemed as if the only thing that was there, was the pictures. After a YEAR of doing this, and paying the hosting fee of $100.00 a month, I decided to try and contact Valerie to send me a digital copy of my website code, so I could host it on another server... For alot less.

BEFORE SHE RETURNED MY EMAIL, SHE DELETED MY WEBSITE CODE! Then told me it is copywrited in thier name... Huh?

By simply asking for the code (electronic copy) I never told anybody to cancel anything!

This is how I see it... I paid alot of money to have a website on the net for over year, that I never recieved one red cent in revenue from, all the hard work and long gruelling hours creating it, was all for nothing! Im heavily in debt and working to pay those incurred expence's off from my outside job, My advise to anybody who has any dealings with AuctionSuccessTeam, Terry Meyer or Valerie Bingaman or thier questionable business practices "SHOULD BEWARE" and look no further then the Better Business Bureau http://www.saltlakecity. for all the answers to what these people are up to according to the report I recieved, this company has an UNSATISFACTORY RECORD with the bureau due to unanswered complaints and POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE.

Vancouver, Washington

Company: Auction Success Team - V-Motion
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Ogden
Address: 127 24th Street Suite 2
Phone: 8669322924
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