Cleveland Wholesale, Thomas Fargo
Ripoff deceptive practices damaged merchandise

Education & Science

I purchased a order from Cleveland Wholesale (Thomas Fargo) on January 1. After a couple of weeks I began to send email after email asking where my order was. It wasn't until I threatened to cancel the order that I received it January 20 one day short of three weeks.

When I received it several items were damaged. First they put a sachett set that had a bottle of oil attached in the order box unprotected, everything else had a separate box but this was just thrown in and the bottle of oil broke and damaged the sachett set and another item. There were two other items that had chips and were cracked that was not caused by the broken bottle.

Inotified Cleveland Wholesale immediately explaing the damaged merchandise and asking for a return lable to return the items for new merchandise. They never answered my email, so I checked their damaged merchandise policy and saw that if any of the damage was could have been caused by UPS that I needed to contact UPS to file a claim and so they could pick up the items. Since UPS had set the box down on the bottle and broke it I thought that some of the damage was caused by UPS.

So I emailed Cleveland Wholesale again explaing that some of the damage was caused by UPS when they set the box down the bottle broke, and I was going to contact them (like their policy said to do). I never got any answer from Cleveland Wholesale, so I contacted UPS. They came took the items and several days later they returned just one of the items and said they would settle with Cleveland Wholesale that I would have to get refunded from them.

For the third time I contacted Cleveland Wholesale explaining what UPS said, and asking again when would I be getting a return lable to return the damaged merchandise for new ones. At this time I was just asking for replacements. Well I received a email from Barbara Fargo (Thomas Fargo's wife) she has a store on EBAY where she sells the same things her husband does. She was rude and insulting and told me thats not how they file claims, and since I took it upon myself to file this claim without notifing them first they weren't giving me anything back.

Well I was really mad now I had emailed them twice before I filed any claim and I did file their procedure exactly. So I emailed her back a copy of the two emails I had sent them before I filed the claim with UPS. I also sent them a copy of their own policy proving that I did follow their procedures for filing a claim.

After I sent a couple more emails she finally emailed me back and said she would have to check with the warehouse to see what they wanted to do. Well I waited with no answer so once again I emailed her reminding her that she was suppose to get back to me. She emailed me back finally saying she would send me return lables.

But guess what, that never happened, instead Thomas Fargo emails me and tells me he wants my phone number to talk to me on the phone. I politely declined telling him my number is unlisted and I prefer to do everything through emails so I have everything in writing. He gets mad now and says I should call him. I tell him no we can talk thriugh emails. Then he says he can't make sence of my emails. Well I was tired of this I knew now he wasn't going to give me anything that this was a game to him.

So I told him that he needs to go back through my emails and read them or have someone else read them to him. After I send more and more emails he tells me he needs my address to sent the lables. After I send that he need the order number, after I send this he needs the item nubers. This goes on for days. Finally he says im being difficult and he can't help me.

It is now February 9, over a month since I order from Cleveland Wholesale, almost three weeks since I received the order and he is still not sending me return lables. First I reported him to the Better Buisness Bureau. Then I reported him
to Paypal the company I paid him through. They denied the claim because they only help you if you don't receive any merchandise at all. But now he decided after reporting him that he was going to send me retun lables.

So on February 11 I receive three return lables for three items. But now after all this he has put me through, and I know he wouldn't have ever given me anything if I hadn't reported him to the Better Buisness Bureau (because he had stopped answering all my emails until I reported him) I want a full refund. I want to send back everything.

So I emailed him asking how he wanted me to send this back and why were there only three lables. He said he was only letting me return three items. I told him no I now wanted to return everything and get my money back, especially since he was reinbusted by UPS for shipping and two of the items, and considering all the trouble he put me through I no longer want any of his products I want my money back.

So he sends me a email telling me to send it all back but he wasn't giving me all my money back. He was keeping all the shipping cost (remember he was reinbusted for shipping from UPS plus the money for two of the items) and he was charging me a 20% restocking fee. Then here's the kicker he told me that he talked to Paypal about this and they agreeded with him that this is all he needed to do and they closed the case.

Remember Paypal never opened a case because they don't handle this type of case. I contacted Paypal and they said that they never told him that, in fact he was send the same emil I got saying that they don't handle this type of case. So he lied. Im not surprised but this is where it stands. I sit here with damaged goods and he has all my money plus the money UPS refunded him for the shipping and damage to two of the items.

Company: Cleveland Wholesale, Thomas Fargo
Country: USA
State: Ohio
Address: 23381 AURORA ROAD #202
Phone: 4402322752
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