Cambridge Camera Exchange

Education & Science

I order a Minolta Maxxum 5 from Cambridge Camera in late Januatry
2002 online. I never recieved it. I called them and they said it would cost more. They then proceed to charge my credit card for
the higher cost. I waited six more weeks never recieved the product or a phone call. I called them at least 10 times. I asked for a refund they never have given me the money back or the product. They cussed me out hung up on me everytime I called they never would tell me their names either. Please if you have been ripped off by them file reports with the Better business beareua of New York. Report them to the FBI's fraud depart and
the State of New York attorney general. You can also report them
to your credit card company and online from many fine sites such as this one.

Phoenix, New York

Company: Cambridge Camera Exchange
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 119 W 17th street New York, New York
Phone: 2122212253
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Cambridge Camera: unacceptable 'service'

Cambridge Camera Exchange, Inc
Won't take NO for an answer!

Cambridge Camera Exchange
Cambridge Camera Exch., Order for Binoculars nothing for my money ripped off

Cambridge Camera Exchange, Inc
Billed credit card, but has never delivered the item ordered. Does not respond to emails, calls, or complaints to Popular Photography and BBB. Victimized many consumers

Robert Lindenblatt-Cambridge Camera World, Inc
Mail and Internet Fraude by Cambridge Camera

Cmabridge Camera
Cambridge Camera ripoff

Aaa Camera Exchange Inc
Aaa camera exchange rippoff your product is on back order

CCI Camera City
Bait and switch, Non fulfillment and false representations. Ripoff

Cambridge Camera Exchange
Cambridge Aka Bait & Switch. Sorry our computers are down. We will ship today. Your lens is not is in yet. Etc. Rip-off

The Rapsody Corp
Credit Card Fraud charges agajnst Cambridge Who's Who by Attorney General of New York