
Education & Science

I received this letter saying the same exact thing that everyone else on this site said. I too went online to find out if this company was "for real." I didn't get my hopes up b/c I didn't even know where these people got my information. Plus I don't have $20 just laying around to give to someone I don't know or trust. I read the small print that states: lvaap shall not be liable for errors, omissions, or inaccuracies. This told me to really stop and think about what these people were going to give in return... Nothing. And since I found this website these cold hearted people will not be $20.00 richer on my expense! I wish that everyone could get online and see this report so that others will not be taken advantage of. I really feel for you people that get tricked into this. Tell them that if its such a great thing and we will infact get 3,341, 06.00 then they should just take the $20 out of that! I could maybe go for that... Wouldnt you! God Bless Everyone and they will get what is coming to them!

Company: Lvaap
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.o Box 98855
Phone: 7045949200
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Las Vegas Nevada Actionable Award Program Aka LVAAP
Las Vegas, Nevada Actionable Award Program - LVAAP ripoff

Is big mean ripoff that made me really angry

Tried to ripoff me by sending a letter saying i won $3,341, 006.00 but i need to send $20.00 Ripoff

LVAAP Las Vegas Actionable Award Program
Ripoff, scam, privileged privacy rights contract document is an attempt to defraud you



Ripoff attempted to scam me


Big time ripoff! Lvaap is dishonest about sending money!

Las Vagas Actionable Award Program LVAAP These people and other affiliate company's promise you thosands even milllions for a $20.00 release fee ITS ALL A BUNCH OF CRAPY LIES!