Safety Insurance Company
Ripoff To screwed up to be selling auto insurance, Brainless wonders

Education & Science

The company has massive promlems with there operating systems. Causing constant problems to the people there insureing. Customer service from lower level to upper management not trained to handle problems or have the brains to do it. They just don't care.

After months of trying to get a problem corrected and getting one bad or conflicting story depending who you talked to. I started asking the same question to a number of differant levels of customer service. I never got the same answer twice or a correct answer. Then when a question of importance was asked pointing out faults in there system the question was ignored and the conversatition was changed to something else.

This is a company that needs to boycotted. If a number people do this we can get rid of loosers like this. Pass the word.

Company: Safety Insurance Company
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Boston
Address: 20 Customhouse St
Phone: 8009512100
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