Integra, Financial Benifits
Ripoff, lieing cheats, 249.00 dollar theifs!

Education & Science

I recieved a phone call stating I qulified for a $2,000. Oo Master card credit card. They had all of my information they needed. So like a fool I fell for it and gave out my checking account number, so they can take out $249.00 for the initial processing fee.

I called the customer service number to tell them that I had changed my mind. But was told to call back the following Monday, Only to find out they had already taking the money from my bank.

25 days latter I recieved a package in the mail insured for $5.00. GUess what? It was just a bunch of junk. Striaghten out you'r credit crap. I called the company back and complained. The operator told me I had just paid for an application to ask for an in store caard. It's where you put money on the card you'r self. That I did not pay $249.00 to recieve a regular credit card.

She told me if I was so unhappy to write the company a letter. There is NO direct number for the main company.information has no such listing. The Address is in NewYork, the postage was from Canada, and the bank that took my hard earned money was in California. So you figure it out. Scam big time. So from now on I will check these people out before I do anything.

Company: Integra, Financial Benifits
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
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