AP9Businessmax - AP9Connections - vistaprint.com - MWI_businessMax-index.html
AP9Businessmax - AP9Connections ripoff, fraud scams MWI_businessMax-index.html, vistaprint.com

Education & Science

Got the business cards from vistaprint.com which i will never do again now thanks to all of this. Got 2 charges both equal 12.95 which overdrafted my checking account so i am now 70 bucks in the hole. I found out at like 1 am so I have to sit and be mad/worried until i can call these people and ream them a new you know what.

I was told when I joined vistaprint.com that I was getting a free trial and that I would be informed before my account was charged. That never happened. Businessmax and connections are the same company just trying to get money from people by stealing it.

They need to know that not everyone in the world is stupid and I'm sure not going to stand for being taken advantage of. I was lied to and thats not something I take lightly.

I will call them before I call my bank tomorrow. But if they give me the run around like I feel they will my bank and anyone else I feel can or will help me is getting a phone call too.

Hopefully vistaprint.com gets rid of these people before they start getting their business taken down the river too.

Company: AP9Businessmax - AP9Connections - vistaprint.com - MWI_businessMax-index.html
Country: USA
Phone: 8882842217
Site: www.mwi-businessmax.com/mwi_businessmax-index.html
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VistaPrint - MWI Businessmax - AP9Businessmax - AP9Connections
MWI Businessmax - AP9 - VistaPrint - AP9Businessmax - AP9Connections Ripoff with Unauthorized Charges

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