National Magazine Exchange
Remove monies from my account without my consent, ripoff

Education & Science

I began noticing money being taken from my account and when I contacted my bank I was told national magazine exchange was responsible for the withdrawals from my account. I contacted the company to make them aware that a mistake was being made and asked them to return my monies to my account and was told it would take anywhere from one to five days which I feel is unacceptable seeing that permission was never given them to take it in the first place. This company is crooked and they are thieves; what they did was remove my money unlawfully and now want me to wait to get my money back.

Meadville, Pennsylvania

Company: National Magazine Exchange
Country: USA
State: Florida
Address: 16120 U S 19 NORTH
Phone: 8002350826
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NME - National Magazine Exchange From CLearwater Florida
They been take money out of my bank account. When i called them and told why are they takeing money from when i don't have any magazine from them they keep tell me it takes 6 weeks for tht magazine to

National Magazine Exchange
Stole money out of my account AND put a ding on my credit report

National Magazine Exchange

National Magazine Exchange
Rips off consumers by false collection allegations Ripoff

National Magazine Exchange

National Magazine Exchange
Ripoff deceptive company Nationwide

National Publishers Exchange
Received magazine I did not order Order Placed through National Publishers Exchange

National Magazine Exchange
National Magazine Exchange ripoff Clearwate

National Magazine Exchange

National Magazine Exchange
Ripoff false delinquent account notice