Invet Tech
Invent Tech ripoff scam con lies deception

Education & Science

If you have a great idea and you think one of these invention promotion companies is interested in helping you, all I can say is FORGET ABOUT IT!

I personally had a very good idea for a product so I approached both ICS (Invention Submission Corporation) and Invent-tech. I found too many scam reports about ICS, so stupidly I decided to go with Invent-tech. They first charged me about $850 to do the preliminary patenet investigation (well get back to that). Their rep informed me that they thought I have a very good idea and to proceed with their Advanced Development Program for ten time the amount of the initial patent search fee, so no I'm into this for $850 plus $8500!!!

I was told that my phone would be ringing off the hook with people from Invent-tech contacting me about product development and improvement ideas, that Engineers and lawyers are standing by and once I send in my $8500, "look out" they will all spring to action!

After several months of foot dragging on their part, I received a crappy 3D drawing of my product, which was not even accurate. My description was also imbelished upon by their "intern" level employees. When I tried to contact them for corrections, the line I got everytime was "it does not matter if the drawing or description are not correct. The manufacturer will make tose corrections when they buy your idea".

After about 6 months to a year had passed, I finally received a 2 minute video which is more of an ad for Inventech. The virtual CD based demo was also something that any intern could know out in a half day's work, but I had to wait a year!

After nearly 2 years of their so called services, I have come to the conclusion that there is not ONE SINGLE PROFESSIONAL Engineer, Marketer or otherwise employed at Invent Tech.

Every other month I received a whole 10 (yes, TEN) stinkin' manufacturer leads. My agreement with them ends in May at which point I will have received 12 manufacturer lead packages with 10 leads each for a whopping total of 120 leads in TWO YEARS!
That's $70.83 per lead! And believe me, the leads STINK!

I also think the 99.999% of companies see ICS or Inventech mail and it goes straight into the trash.

Oh, and about that extensive patent search they did for $850?

I had recently foound that someone is now making my "idea" as a patented product and a "SIMPLE" search of the uspto. Gov website revealed the product, which was filed back in 1991!

They missed that, and it was conveniently, not included it in my initial patent search report. When I questioned them about it, they refused to answer.

If there is an Attorney out there who is interested in hear more, please feel free to contact me.

I could go into this further, but please be warned, DO NOT hire a company like ICS or Invent-tech to promote your product idea.

They will lie to you continually, put you off, not return calls, etc.

If you have a good idead, got to and but the following books.

1. How to License your Million Dollar Idea, by Harry Reese.
2. Patent it Yourself, by Patent Attorney David Pressman

Read those books before you spend a dime on any invention submission scams!

Company: Invet Tech
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Coral Gables
Address: 2655 Lejeune Road suite 550
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Invention Technoligies, inc. - invent tech
Invention Technoligies - invent tech fraudulent and ripoff

Invention Technologies Took my money even though they knew my product had been already patented and licensed

Invention Technologies - Inventech - Invent-Tech
Invention Technologies Incorporated Thieves who cleverly took my idea, let it rot and fed me sunshine until I let it go

Ripoff, Invent-tech deceived me

Deceptive, slick and misleading documents and advertisement

Rip off my GPT idea

Invent Tech
Ripoff. They took over $600.00 and make you believe that is the cost

Charged me several thousands of dollars and lead me to believe they were the company to sell my idea

Invent-Tech scamming and ripping peoples ideas off!

Invent-Tech, Harry King
Invent - Tech, Harry King ripoffd Beware of unethical business practices, read the contract!