Global Ventures - posa prepaid
Global Ventures - Posa Prepaid Cards Richard Arnold, Barry Wernick $13,000 ripped off in biz-op scan no return in 1 1/2 years! Ripoff MIami

Education & Science

In June of I wired $12,980.00 to Global Ventures for 5 Point of Sale (Posa) terminals that I was told would be "up & running" and producing income in 30 -45 days.

This biz-op was to be totally "turnkey" if desired, with locators placing the locations (for a fee) and getting them activated.

There has been absolutely NO SUPPORT from this company and constant lies and excuses as to placement of locations, and of course NO INCOME!

They give a couple of lousy non producing locations to cover their butts to placate investors. They are now insisting that investors "take and active part in locating their own locations and the more involved we are with our (nonexistant) business, the more successful we will become!

There are at least 50 other investors in this scam whose story is identical to mine-some out as much as $ 30,000.
We received Fed Ex packages last week with letters stating that they would no longer be selling business opportunities, which to me signifies their final slap in the face to hapless victims.

They are nothing but scam artists - if you are involved with them, please fight to get your money back!

Company: Global Ventures - posa prepaid
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 1001 Ives Dairy Rd. Suite 204
Phone: 3056539420
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Advanced Processing International / Global Ventures POSA PREPAid - th
Barry Wernick, Richard Arnold, Barry Wernick, Richard Arnold SCUM BAG SCAM ARTISTS ARE STILL OUT THERE - I too, bilked out of 13K

Global Ventures
Ripoff also ripped me off do not do business with them

Barry Wernick, Richard Arnold, Global Ventures
Barry Wernick Barry Wernick& Richard Arnold Stole the money people invested with them and opened other companys

Global Ventures
Ripoff do something about it

Global Ventures Aka Posa Prepaid
A fradulent business enticing customers to purchase alleged terminals for selling prepaid internet, cell service, dial tone and mastercard. Ripoff

Global Ventures, Advanced Processing International, Versatile Card Systems, Barry Wernick, Richard
Arnold... Are now advanced processing international, versatile card systems

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Global Resources Inc
Won't provide all locations, Won't provide 93 phones included in contract. Contract stated I would recieve all equipment in 45 days, its been over 7 months