Shopping Essential
Unauthorized use of credit card


Although purchasing postcards for the kids wedding through Vista publishing, my creditcardnumber was used-to approve this site. Used to donot approve it and am really upset together in addition to landscape publishing. Avoid them-they really are a fraud!

Company: Shopping Essential
Country: USA
State: Iowa
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Jordan Publishing
Un athorized credit card transaction

Adco Printing
Stay away

Asta Publishing - KCPT Publishing - Nancy L. Tascalli
Asta Publishing, KCPT Publishing & Nancy L Tascalli are rip-offs! Work at home stuffing envelopes scam! Rip-off!

Twenty4 Pro Plus
Unauthorized Withdrawl

Sun-Rite Publishing
Strikes Agian

Asta Publishing - Nancy Tascalli
Asta Publishing and Nancy Tascalli work at home rip-off!

Premier Publishing, Inc
Rip off, scam, fraud, theif

Unauthorized charges/lack of promised products

Didnt authorizes charges made to my credit card

Ever Private Card
I didn't authorize this company to take money out of my account