HALF TIME DRILL DRIVER ordered online and seller TRIPPLED my total and is unreachable to cancel order!

Construction & Repair

I ordered the advertised HALF TIME DRILL DRIVER on-line after seeing the tv commercial the other day. I thought it would be a great christmas gift for my brother.

The company's on-line ordering is shifty to say the least! I was constantly prompted to purchase additional unwanted items (for additional fees) while trying to check out.

At least three times while trying to check out, the site tried to force unwanted merchandise on me. I clicked "no" each time.

When I finally got to the concluded order page, there was NO "review my order and confirm" page where I could review and change/modify my order. The sale was done. Completed. And 3x what I expected to be paying:

Item Description Quantity Price Total
SubTotal $39.90
Processing $31.80
Tax $6.27
Order Total $77.97

I understood that there would be an additional "processing fee" If I took them up on the "second set for FREE" option, but $32 additional processing? That's wacked!

Very deceitful practice going on there.

I immediately called the only phone number listed, and the rude Customer Service agent on the other end of the line said for me to give the system an hour for my purchase to register into their system. It's been two days now and it's still NOT registering in their system.

I do not feel comfortable with my CC info floating around in limbo with erroneous charges "pending" on it.

I talked with my bank and they will immediately chargeback the fees when the sellers of the HALF TIME DRILL do finally get around to processing my order.

And that's another thing, I have NO IDEA what company I'm dealing with here. Is it HALF TIME DRILL? Is it get half time drill? Is it buy half time drill? Is it Or some other entity entirely? Very shady indeed. Certainly not like dealing with a real on-line store or service like Amazon, Home Depot, or Sears.

Very bothered by this now, especially after reading up on other people having similar experiences with what appears to be this same tv "operation".

Feel free to chyme in with similar experiences with these characters.

Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Wallingford
Address: P.O. Box 3179 Wallingford, CT 06494
Phone: 18663432294
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