Make Ready
Don Caudle Is the biggest rip off scam artist in america

Construction & Repair

If you are reading this than you have probably already been scammed by Don sometimes called Frank Caudle with Make Ready. Their are many complaints on this company and this particular man. Everyone I have read is true and has also happened to me. He will curse you out, hassel you to death, give you work way outside your area, get you to buy all these locks that are so called cheaper with him (yet he charges you and arm and a leg when he takes the money from your check).

He promises to pay you in a week, a month whatever it takes to get you to work. Oh he may give you a check once in awhile to keep you working, but never a steady check and once I even got a check for $21.00 since I did not ask for locks but he figured I needed them. He will call you every name in the book, many times he will fire you. He will let you calm down, contact you and apologize to get you to work some more. When it comes time to paying you he will come up with you you didn't take enough pictures since the bank needs so many and it is another way not to pay you. He will come up with the pictures are not clear enough. He will get you to go back many times to retake them, or to take more with promises of paying you later for it; where later never comes.

The whole thing is you are working your butt off to make him money. That's a fact!!! That is all he cares about. He will do all he can to get the maximum amount of money he can make off you. You will have to stop working and to stop believing his lies for anything real to happen. Some people he may tell how he is a ex-policeman (for losing his temper with someone and tearing up his car which he will not tell you). He may tell you how he has all these relations in N.C. With judges, lawyers and magistrates. He even may tell you he is a karate expert when he threatens to whip you up after cursing you out. Don't worry this day will come and if you are lucky it is only once.

The facts of his relations are true. Everyone in his town in N.C. Knows him. We went to N.C. And found out. They know how he is, and how he scams so many people. The problem is he is related to many people to get away with it. He has gotten away with this scamming people for a very long time. As long as people keep working for him and not getting together to have a strong case, the more he will do this. You will lose and that is a fact. He bends many laws in various states. Call before you work! Find out what the laws are. Or at least report him when you do find out.

Right after you have been scammed, call and put a lien on the house you have worked at. Make it so that it cant be sold until the work you did was paid for. Finally when enough people are tired of him; lets get together and do a class action or whatever it is called when a lot of people take him to court at once. Lets find a way to get the money we are owed.

Look on your craigslist, thingjob, wherever he can post warn others. If we cant help ourselves since it is too late; help others from committing this horrible error.

Company: Make Ready
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Ruffin
Address: PO Box 552
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Lhr Inc
The complainers here keep forgetting one thing... Pay your bills and dont go into collections

Webcast. tv - Raymond Feeney
Raymond Feeney and his company has ripped off alot of peolpe that have worked for him. Las Vegas, New York, and Hollywood

Nationwide Asset Services
Ripoff Words from someone who has worked there

Garn Restoration
Mislead! Hid mistakes until I pointed them out! Tried to walk away with $5000 of my money

Western Union
Helps the scammer make money

Affordable home security
ADT dealer they will take your pay if you work for them

America Publishing
Well they make it sound good, to make money in these times, but it don't take that long to send your money back or the work kit like they said they will do. To many people or getting they money took

Six Figure Yearly
Consumer Report

PFS ripoff run, Dave Ramsey doesn't endorse

Les Scwab Tire
Ripoff, this exemployee knows, had to do it or loose my job