Lhr Inc
The complainers here keep forgetting one thing... Pay your bills and dont go into collections

Business & Finance

I love the fact that people in America can post things about companies that just are not true. Websites like this have turned into a venting blog that allows indivuals with a grudge to spout off. Theres the Lowessucks.com and the mcdonaldssucks.com plus many others that are just moronic.

LHR is a debt purchasing agency that employees hundreds of people in two different states. They provide the employees with a great work enviroment with a good work schedule as well as giving them the ability to make good money.

Its funny that all these people that post on here think that it is a "small company in someones basement" or that the company "buys old debt" or that even "the people are low lives who cant get a real job".
Now lets get down to facts. Yes it is not pleasant to have a collector call you to get money. It is not pleasant to have your friends and family called and asked to get a message to you. It is not pleasant to have to change your budget around to pay back an old bill.

On the other side it is not pleasant to have a debtor on the phone cursing you out. It is not pleasant when a debtor uses their very young children to lie on the phone. It is not pleasant when a debter uses their employees to lie. How do we fix this.

First off you have to realize that when a debt is owed, it is owed. If you used a card or had a car repoed you still owe it even if it is old maybe you cant get sued for something that is many years old, but ethicly speaking you should at least make some restitution. Another thing you should know is that your debt has the right to be sold. Just like when a mortage is sold from one company to another. When your mortage is sold it does not mean that you dont owe it, it just means you now owe someone else.

I know life takes a turn for the worse some times, it happened to me too, but the only way to fix it is by doing the right thing. Collectors are not bad people they are just there doing their jobs. Some are there since they were downsized and instead of not paying their bills they took a job to make ends meet. It amazes me how maney people out there state that they have not been able to find a job in over a year. My God!

It comes down to this, dont hate the person who is calling you. They are doing their job to support their family. Dont run from the calls. If you talk to the collector then there is no reason for the collector to have to hunt you down using friends and family. Try to work with the collector and dont just say "sue me or do what you have to do". Hanging up on the collector tells them that this is a challenge and to start the skip tracing.

Most people dont go in to debt because they want to, they do it because there is no other choice. The true test is how do you change your life to make the ends meet.

Remember when you are on the phone with a collector yelling, cursing and screaming that you are probably not the first person to do that during that day. The nice ones get the better settlement offers as well as the attention that is needed to make it go away.

Now if you dont take that advise and you decide to listen to the scorned people who were not willing to work together to get this done, enjoy the many, many, many calls you and your family, friends and neighbors will be getting, enjoy being sued, and enjoy having your car repoed just like that lady in Florida or having wages garnished.

Our business is to collect money and that is what we do and we do it well. We are willing to work with you but remember the only people whose lives get effected by you not paying your bill is you and your family especally now with the new rules regarding credit. You will not get any loan for a house or car with bad things on you report. The choice is yours! Remeber the choices you made yesteryear are effecting you now, make the right choice now to change your future.

Company: Lhr Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Hamburg
Address: 56 Main Street
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