Semco Energy
Deceptive collection practices

Construction & Repair

Semco Energy is among the many misleading, shady power companies in Mi. Maintain an archive OF your instalments, for atleast yesteryear 7 years. When they come once you, out-of the orange-declaring that you owe a quantity, from 5-6-7 years back, I assure they'll get in small claims court. Just before that, although-they'll threaten to show your support down, rest, and condition that they've recorded tracks of you 'acknowledging' towards the debt, and split any principle regarding selection methods from the MPSC in order to gather a debt. Their book-keeping program hurts, and funds in many cases are put on regular excellent balances, as opposed to the consideration of the client. Don't trust Semco, of course if you've an issue whatsoever, proceed right to the MPSC, the Attorney-General and also the FTC. Do not depend on our legal program to create reasonable and simply choices-simply because they do not. They understand everybody by first-name schedule, and also have regular lunch times together. I'dnot trust the surfaces or judicial process within our region for justice of any kind.

Company: Semco Energy
Country: USA
State: Michigan
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Semco Energy
SEMCO ENERGY is one of the most deceptive, unethical, untrustworthy company I've ever dealt with. They will use any tactics to collect money they feel they are owed. They consistantly violate the rule

Semco Energy Sucks
Deceptive collection practices

Semco Energy
Semco energy continues to rip off customers

Semco Energy Sucks
Illing procedures violated

Semco Energy Gas Company
Ripoff gas company, because they know you can't go to an alternative gas company you are stuck with them!

Semco Energy Gas Company
Stopped mailing bills, both by email and postal mail, got shut off and they've added a $400.00 security deposit in addition to past amount and turn on fee abused & mistreated

Semco Energy
Rude and wrongful charges

AAC - Asset Acceptance
Thomas D. Hocking This collection Agency is attempting to collect a debt for MICHON aka DTE Energy. I have settle my debt with the original creditor DTE Energy. I have utilities in my name and have had them for sever

Asset Acceptance
Fraudulent activity, bogus claims, create phony documents, falsify records

Capital Acquisitions & Management Company
CAMCO Capital Acquisitions Management ripoff scams for old claimed debt