Peachtree Windows and Doors
NonStop Warranty Worthless

Construction & Repair

Windows were obtained in 1992. Had small problem in first 60-days with clouding of 1 windows. Approached Peachtree plus they delivered representative and changed glass device. A couple of years later I approached Peachtree about seals on Peachtree Doorway. Once more, no issues in obtaining replacement seals delivered. Today, I've a closing equipment that's removed, what ought to be a $10-part is just a $50 nonwarranted component because they now don't have any report of my purchase, preceding repairs and WOn't take initial bill as evidence of purchase. Peachtree was evidently purchased out from the Schield Household and it has selected to reduce deficits by declining warranty statements. Every other customers available with peachtree items that will prefer to begin a class-action fit?

Company: Peachtree Windows and Doors
Country: USA
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Peachtree Doors and Windows inferior window construction

Peachtree Windows/Doors
Warranty Service Stinks

Peachtree Windows and Doors
Poor Product and service

Peachtree Doors & Windows
Guarantee nogood

Peachtree Windows and Doors
Horrible product and no service whatsoeve

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