Debolt Construction - D.C. Alliance - D.C.I. Homes
Ripoff, shoddy work, not paying subs, forgery

Construction & Repair

Avoid this guy and anyone affilliated with him! I worked for him for a year, and watched him steal as much as he could from anyone he could.

He is attempting to build new homes now, he takes the down payment, starts the job, goes around the customers to the bank, drains the remaining funds, then simply walks away.

The houses are left unfinished, and the homeowners are left broke and frustrated, with houses that still need alot of money to finish. He has done this to several homeowners in the area with new homes, and many many others with remodel jobs.

He moves around alot, so it is almost impossible to find him, he has placed all of his belongings in someone elses name, so they can't be touched. Many complaints have been filed, and he has been reported to the state many times, but no one seems to do anything about it.

He has forged lein waivers, lied to loan officers, signed other peoples names to contracts (including mine). Opened charge accounts in other peoples names, because his credit is so fried he can't get one in his own name. He has swindled his few friends into paying large accounts off for him, on the promise of paying them back, and of course did not.

He does not pay his subs, thus creating leins for the homeowners to deal with after he is gone. He pays his employees with NSF checks, if he pays them at all.

He claims to have thirty years experience, but here is the truth. He has NEVER completed a new home. His experience consists of a few years building yard barns and finish set up on modular homes (siding on the ends and such)

Most of the time his insurance is not active, whitch is very risky for the homeowners and employees.

This man stole over fifty thousand dollars (as close as we can figure) from one of my best friends. This was after I convinced them that he was an honest guy. He then left the house half finished (the shell only), and had no remorse about doing so.

He told the homeowners simply this " Sometimes contracts run out of money, and thats when the job stops"

I stayed and finished the house on my own, paying for the supplies needed to finish. (along with some donated money from good friends). Because he didn't pay me for six months, I almost lost my house, when I told him that my house was in foreclosure and I needed to get payed, he said " thats not my problem"

He is currently building a house for his girl friend who I dougbt is aware that is his intention to take the house and all her land. Quote "by the time I'm done I'll own the house and farm". Since he met her, he has jokingly refferred to it as his farm and house.

Let me summarize before This becomes too long to read.
This man is a heartless thief, a con artist, has no bussiness even owning a hammer, and will do anything he has to to get what he wants, and is willing to ruin anyones life for money, no one excluded.

For legal reasons, I should say " this is my opinion"
Ask around, somebody will have a tear jerking story for you, and you won't have to look that far.

Company: Debolt Construction - D.C. Alliance - D.C.I. Homes
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Marshall & Battle Creek
Address: 324 N. Madison &44 W. Acacia Blvd
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