Stormville Septic Care Products ripoff fraudulent, unwilling to resolve issues for 7 months, never asked for product Stormville New Jersey

Construction & Repair

This is the last email I sent ATTN owner of septicare

I am writing one more email, if i get no response i will go to the bbb and and let them know what happened.

I do not own a septic tank, therefore i would have never asked to get a sample.

When i received it at my front door i had no clue what it was, put it in the garage.

Two weeks later i started receiving harrassing phone calls regarding payment of a product that was delivered to my home with out my consent nor knowledge. Each of the 15-20 phone calls i asked to speak with someone in management. Every time i was told no one is here i can have a manager call you back with in 24 hours. Not one time did any manager call me back.

I sent an email months ago to septicare to the owner. Never heard anything then today a recorded msg called and said press 9 to speak with a representative. I did so and again, no manager was available. I was hung up on. This matter needs to be cleared up immeadiately. If it isn't i will do what ever i have to to make sure no one buys your product!!!

I have told multiple people that have called that i'd be more than happy to send the product back postage due. They said not to. Please respond asap

Company: Septicare
Country: USA
Address: PO Box 450
Phone: 8452263545
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Septicare (aka) Stormville Septic Care (aka) Stormville Septic Care Products Inc
Fraudulent billing, Fishkill, Stormville New Jersey Internet

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Stormville Septic Care
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