Construction Plus
Ron Soriano Did not pay for services rendered

Construction & Repair

On 8/14, Anthony and Ron Soriano from Construction Plus contracted my company to perform floor cleaning services in Olyphant PA for a new restaurant location that was opening. We performed the services as contracted. Anthony and Ron Soriano have done nothing except make excuses about how my company is supposed to get paid. He requested invoices be sent to different addresses, emailed to different people, faxed to different numbers and I have yet to see a payment and I am quite sure I will never be paid for my services. Please watch out for these two guys. They don't like to pay their bills, and I would imagine that same integrity probably shows in the quality of their work.

Company: Construction Plus
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Midland Park
Address: 126 B Greenwood Ave
Phone: 2012647392
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