Furnace - Armstrong Tiger-Loop Oil Furnance

Construction & Repair

For more than twelve years, I was a loyal customer of Vassars, who were dedicated to customers service. Now, a new company has replaced Vassars, Cox-Powell. I'm told this company consist of family members from Vassars, yet, they lack the technical knowledge and customer satisfaction needed to get the job done. Eight times this company has come out to my house to service my oil furnace, and still it is NOT fixed. Now, after an unprofessional call from their tech that led to a "yelling match", on Saturday, I demanded to speak to the owner, known as "Mike". This call resulted in the owner stating that they fixed the problem and they can no longer service me and that it must be a different problem. Additionally, since I refused to have the tech that was yelling and screaming at me come back out, the company is no longer willing to assist me. Clearly, another tech called me on Saturday, however, since he was not on call, the owner was unwilling to send him in place of the on call tech, that I was truly uncomfortable with, after the heated conversation. The owner stated that it appears that I wanted something for "free". However, the last tech, confided in me that the issue is that he is the only tech knowledgeable and certified with the company and was hired after they fired the tech that came out to my house in January. Additionally, that I was his fifth follow-up call after the firing of that tech. Please note, that in January, I paid for an overnight call, by which the tech did not have the part and had to come back the next day, and it worked for a little over a week and stopped again. That cost was $496 and followed up with a yearly maintenance service, for $189.50. To date, I have wasted 11 hours of my annual leave due to the failed attempts to resolve the issue (s) with my furnace. Last Friday, I finally got a chance to speak to the owner, and requested that for my inconvenience, I be given a free annual maintenance service and an upgraded thermostat, and he agreed to send it in an email by Monday. I didn't see that as "free" because truly I have wasted my vacation time dealing with this issue. The weather has been nice lately, and, I turned off the thermostat. However, when I turned it on again, it simply did not work! The owner fails to understand that my time is money, also, each occurrence stems from the very first call in January. I should NOT have to hit a "reset" button weekly, nor to I think it's safe to do so. I've had this Armstrong oil furnace for about 11 years and NEVER this many service calls to resolve any issues. Please help me as I am sure others are getting the same run around from this company.

Rating is an "F"; 8 attempts and it is not working!

Company: Cox-Powell
Country: USA
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A&E Factory Service
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Dean's Professional Plumbing, Heating and Air
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Care Free Air HVAC company
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Time Warner Cable
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AllPRO Heating and Air Conditioning
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Uverse has charged my account 160.00 per month but, I have NOT recieved the service

Powell Heating & Cooling
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Time Warner Cable
Customer Service

Robin Aire Heating And Cooling
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