Soref's Carpet City
Ripoff ordered gray carpet and cheap blue carpet was installed in a rental unit

Construction & Repair

I live in Chicago and ordered carpet at Soref's for my Milwaukee rental unit. They knew I would not be there to see the carpet. I picked out a carpet called "Gray Shadow"... This carpet sample was three shades of dark gray. A month later I went to the rental and saw that the carpet is blue, white and light gray.

It is cheap thin carpet and not the color or quality I ordered or paid for. I went to the store and looked at the exact sample again and it was not what was installed. I was brushed off and told they would have to come out and look and no one was available to do that right now and that they could not schedule it yet and would call me back. I called the store back several times and was always told "someone" will get back to me.

Finally I found out the Managers name Tim Sommers and spoke to him he too said he would call me back and never did. I reached him again 2 weeks later after numerous messages and he said "I checked the carpet we installed off the roll here and it may look blue to YOUR EYE but its gray." He was unwilling to come look at the carpet that was installed and told me he would not do a thing about it." I told him I would report him and he said be my guest." My tennents, myself, my brother and my spouse have all seen this carpet and it is BLUE.

I had quality carpet installed before this carpet and they tore out the nice thick carpet pad and put this cheap blue carpet down with little or no padding under it. I was charged nearly $400 for this carpet and its not only not the right color, the quality is poor. This is obviously a sample of cheap shag carpet they used because they knew it was a rental unit and I would not see the carpet for some time. I would urge everyone to go elsewhere for carpet. I was also given the run-around by the salesmen named Tony Perez.

Company: Soref's Carpet City
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Milwaukee
Address: 431 S. Second Street
Phone: 4142712517
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Joe's Carpet of Inverness, Florida
Consumer Report

Bay Carpet
Amazing Service & Quality Carpet and Flooring - Area Rugs & Carpet

Smart Carpet
Not Carpet I Ordered - CS011 Easy Going Bare Mineral

Bontz Carpet
Wrong carpet and bad work

Empire today
Carpet is all defective - Carpet

Bay Carpet
Carpet Installation

Bay Carpet
Carpet Review - Carpet & Pergo Flooring

Barton Carpets And Flooring
Installed defective poor craftsmenship poor sales men

Bay Carpet
Great carpet

Smart Carpet
It's absolutely junk quality carpet