Montel Health Master
Healthmaster Rusted on pitcher bottom, then quit alltogether. Had to pay $54. To have another one sent. I have waited three months and was just told it would be another month

Construction & Repair

I bought my Healthmaster after hearing Montel Willias say how dependable it was.

I was quite surprised when the bottom of the pitcher started rusting in a matter of weeks. I call and was told I would have to pay over $25. To have a replacement sent.
I told them to forget it.

Then a few weeks later the mother stopped all together. When I called again, I was told it would cost me $54. To have the base as well as the pitcher sent.
That was in Nov. They said nothing about them being on back order, that is until I called them a few weeks later.

They said they would be here in Dec. I called back and was told they would be shipped out Jan. 5th.

I got a card yesterday saying they would be on back order until Feb. 10th, and I had 30 days let them know if I still wanted the replacements sent out. If they didn't hear from me by then they would cancel the order.

This is for the base #A1607HMPITW - With warranty for the base
as well as #A1607HMPITW -with warranty.

I bought the extra warranty when I got it, just in case.

I wish I had known about your web site before I got it. Would have saved me a lot of gray hair, not to mention money.
Thank you and keep up the good work.

Company: Montel Health Master
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Wallingford
Address: P.O. Box 5018
Phone: 9732875170
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