Micron Filtration Technologies Inc
Health-Mor, Filterqueen Misrepresentation

Construction & Repair

On September 29 a salesman named Nick from Micron Filtration Technologies, Inc. Came to my home to demonstrate the Filterqueen air filtration system. I was very interested in the product and I was told that I qualified for a promotion of twelve months no payment and not interest so I would get to use my Filterqueen for twelve months before having to make any payments. However, in order to get this promotion and to get the air purifier for free my husband had to run over our old vacuum cleaner, which he did. Before purchasing the product, I asked Nick what my interest rate would be and he told me. 86% per month which I found would average 10.32% APR. I thought that sounded reasonable, so I decided to purchase the Filterqueen. I was also informed by Nick that G.E. Money Bank (the institution through which I would be financed) offered a credit card or payment booklet.

The next day, September 30 I made a couple of phone calls to G.E. Money Bank between 12:00 P.M. And 12:30 P.M. Until I was given a phone number for someone that handled accounts with appliances. At approximately 12:40 P.M. I spoke with a lady named Margaret with G.E. And asked her about the payment booklets because I preferred to make my payments that way instead of dealing with a credit card. She informed me that they do not use payment booklets, they only use credit cards. So, I was misinformed about the payment booklets.

Also on September 30, at 12:53 P.M., I called Micron Filtration and spoke with Steven, the manager, and told him that I wanted the terms of my payment plan sent to me in writing before my three day cooling off period was over. I gave him the fax number of the business that my husband works for and told him to send the fax attention Joe (my husband). From what I understood, he was going to fax me the G.E. Plan numbers and the interest rate. My husband did not receive the fax. Steven also told me that my minimum monthly payments would be $57.96 for fifty months. I would later do the math myself and find that this minimum payment quoted to me was before interest. It was discovered that the salesman, Nick, did not write the promotion code in the special instructions box on my bill of sale, so Steven instructed me to write code #312 in the box. Just recently I also noticed that Nick did not have me sign the warranty card which states that a signature is required. This ninety-nine year warranty is the reason that I purchased the Filterqueen. This issue has not yet been discussed with anyone at Micron Filtration.

When I received my credit card from G.E. Money Bank, I noticed that it was in the name of Cassie which I found strange considering I know for a fact that I put my name down as Cassandra on my application. Cassie is my nickname and I never use it for anything official. I noticed that on my bill of sale receipt under buyers information it says Cassy, which I did not write, the salesman did. This causes me to wonder if someone tampered with my application.

Later I received my statement from G.E. And it was also in the name of Cassie. This is also when I discovered that my interest rate is 21.98% APR and in the promotional purchase summary it states You will incur no Finance Charges on a Deferred Interest promotional purchase, provided the promotional purchase amount is paid in full by the indicated Promotional Expiration Date and you pay, by the Payment Due Date, each Minimum Payment Due on your Account prior to the Promotional Expiration Date. If you do not satisfy these requirements, Finance Charges accrued from the date of purchase will be added to your Account. This came as a surprise to me since the details of the promotion were obviously not fully explained to me and I had been quoted a completely different interest rate.

On October 20 I contacted Micron Filtration and spoke with the finance/general manager, Leann, about these issues. She explained that G.E. Money Bank, not Micron Filtration, determines the interest rate and suggested that I pay what I can on my bill during the twelve month promotion then, one to two months prior to my promotion end date, transfer my balance to a new credit card with 0% APR on balance transfers. I was informed that if I didnt do this all of the interest that would have accrued during my promotion would be added to my balance.

I then, approximately 12:45 P.M., asked to speak with Steven, the manager, and informed him that my husband had not received a fax from him and he told me that he would send it again. My husband, again, did not receive the fax.

On October 30, at 1:00 P.M., I contacted G.E. Money Bank and spoke with Stacy about the name on my credit card. She informed me that G.E. Does not change any information; the information is put on the credit card from the application sent to them by Micron Filtration. She also suggested that I contact Micron Filtration regarding the promotion and my credit card being issued under a different name. It was her opinion that I was not fully informed of the details of the promotion and that I was misinformed of the APR. It was confirmed by Stacy that G.E. Does determine the interest rate. She instructed me to contact General Correspondence to show proof of my name so that it could be changed on the credit card.

November 03, at 3:00 P.M., I contacted Steven at Micron Filtration and informed him of being quoted an interest rate of. 86% per month by the salesman, Nick. He was very unhappy about this and told me that he would speak with him about the information that he gives to customers. I discussed with him the details of the promotion and he told me that it was the first time that he had heard of it. Also, I informed him of what I was told by Stacy with G.E. About the information on my credit card and he told me that they dont change any information, they simply send in the application that I had filled out along with the promotion code. I told Steven that I wanted something done about the situation with the interest rate and the promotion and that if it came down to it, I would return the Filterqueen products. I let him know that if I had known the truth about either of these things, the interest rate or the promotion details, I never would have purchased their product. Steven informed me that Micron Filtration could not take back the product because my account had already been sold to G.E. Money Bank. He suggested contacting Wells Fargo to see if he could get me approved at 9.99% APR through them and said that I would need to call him back the next day when the finance manager would be in the office.

November 03, at 3:50 P.M., I called the Attorney General Consumer Hotline in Portland, Oregon and spoke with a representative. They told me that they would be sending me a complaint form and that I needed to inform the company that I would be filing a complaint.

November 04, at 4:00 P.M., I contacted Micron Filtration and left a message for Steven to call me, which he did not.

November 05, at 2:10 P.M., I spoke with Steven at Micron Filtration and was told that he had recently been informed that there had been one other instance of a customer having trouble with the promotion details and that, in light of the issues with G.E. Money Bank, they would be looking into changing finance companies. Steven stated that, as far as he knew, Wells Fargo did not have the same stipulations with the promotion that G.E. Did. I gave him permission to contact Wells Fargo to find out if I would be approved and I agreed to sign the application at a later date. Also, I informed Steven that I had contacted the Attorney General Consumer Hotline and that they would be sending me a complaint form. He requested that I call him back later in the day.

November 05, at 4:35 P.M., I contacted Steven again and he informed me that I did not qualify so he could not transfer my account to Wells Fargo and suggested that I find a different credit card with 0% APR and transfer my balance over to it from G.E. He also told me that he had been instructed by the owner to pass me onto the finance manager to see if she would be able to help me and that I should call her the next day. Steven told me that he would be sending me a years supply of free filters for my Filterqueen which I have yet to receive.

November 06, at 11:45 A.M., I contacted Leann, the finance manager, and she informed me that Steven should not have been dealing with my situation at all because they (Micron Filtration) would not have been able to transfer my account to Wells Fargo due to the fact that it had already been sent to G.E. Money Bank. She said that the only thing she could do for me was offer me her personal advice which, again, was to take one of the credit card offers that I get in the mail with a 0% APR and transfer my balance to it from G.E. One to two months before my promotion end date.

So, I gave up on contacting Micron Filtration to have these issues resolved and on November 12, at 10:45 A.M., I called the Attorney General Fair Practices in Washington and spoke with Glen who stated that he would be sending me another complaint form. My next step will be contacting the Better Business Bureau.

In summary; I was lied to about the interest rate, I was lied to about my payment options, deferred payment and interest was not properly explained to me, somewhere between Micron Filtration and G.E. Money Bank the name on my application was changed, and, to this day, my husband has not received a fax and I have not received my one year supply of free filters. The people that I spoke with at Micron Filtration were very nice and apologetic, but not helpful. Due to the lack of cooperation and the fact that, despite my efforts, there has been nothing done to resolve these issues, I request that my purchase be canceled and the Filterqueen products taken back by Micron Filtration. I refuse to do business with, and give my money to, a company that uses lies and deceit to sell their product.

Update: I received the one year supply of filters. They were sent along with a response to my complaint from the CEO of Micron Filtration.

Company: Micron Filtration Technologies Inc
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Vancouver
Address: 2111 SE Columbia Way SE Bldg & Suite 7
Phone: 36069000
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Micron Filtration Technologies Inc
Dishonest Quotes and Failed to provide financial agreement at time of sale

Micron Filtration Technologies Inc
Micron Filtration has an on going Rip-off scam, known as a warranty!

Bank Of America/World MasterCard Promotion
Beware of promotional credit card offers with low to zero percent interest rates. What they have on paper and what the sales reps tell you may not be what you are signing up for

Wells Fargo Card Services
Wells Fargo Credit Services Sneaky balance transfers for 100% of balance but they don't leave enough for the finance charge, causing over limit fees, late fees and loosing the low interest rate Los Angeles California

Circuit City, Chase Manhattan
CIRCUIT CITY, CHASE MANHATTAN Circuit City Card 18 months no interest promotion. Company never intends to let you carry the no interest balance for the promotional period advertised

CareCredit GE MoneyBank
Charging Interest on a No-Interest Promotion - PayPal Plus Credit Card issued by GE Money Bank (Platinum)

Health-Mor - Filter Queen - Micron Filtration
Ripoff dishonest pushy aggressive rude harassing overprice immortal Filtration Scam Artists

Dell Computer Financial Services
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Citifinancial Retail Services
Back billed interest by posting payment past promotional expiration date

Dell Financial Services
Don't assume they're not ripping you off