
Construction & Repair

How come is it okay for employees such as engineers for Oncor to go on vacation without having another person in office to help customers as well as electricians? Do they even have someone to help us? We electricians work hard to keep our businesses in check and to get jobs done to bill customers so we can pay employees. Then we come to a job with Oncor as the service provider, and they are nowhere to be found to help us to get our jobs finished. I have been waiting for three days to get an engineer to so much as speak with me concerning a service upgrade on a motel. The engineers will not return my calls and their voice mails say they are gone on vacation. Why is it that us electricians have to be the ones to take the fall for oncors inherant misques? I do not have time to wait for jobs that are hard enough to find in this economy to get finished. But due to Oncor, I have to wait just to get an engineer to look at a simple service upgrade to say whether or not it is okay to proceed.

Company: Oncor
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Gainesville
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Oncor smart meters is a complete deception in service... My bill has nearly doubled from their readings. I am on a fixed income per month and I cannot afford their expensive inventions. What ever happ

Oncor Electric / TXU
"SMART" meters are ripping me off

Oncor Energy
Oncor replaced new digital meter increasing my bill by 1100kwh


Oncor Electric / TXU
Same as everyone else... Higher power usage for no reason

Refused to fix Fence Gate Satisfactorily

Power outage

Fasifying a meter tampering report against an individual


ONCOR Electric Delivery
Chraged for Meter Tampering