Philip Patmon
"Landlord" lets tenants move in to a foreclosed house, asks for several months rent in advance

Construction & Repair

We moved into this house in August, after PHILIP PATMON collected three months rent from us in advance in June so he could "fix up" the house before we moved in... Of course when we moved in NOTHING WAS DIFFERENT, it was the same craptacular house it was before. Three weeks after we move in the house gets auctioned off to WAMU, he tells us it's a horrible mistake the bank has made, that they misplaced his paperwork and everything is fine and we stupidly believe him, then he asks my fiance for MORE rent in advance, and he'll give us a BIG FAT discount on the rent, and my stupid fiance gives it to him because he REALLY TRUSTS THIS GUY and thinks of him as a friend.

Right after that, PHILIP was supposed to be paying the utilities bill (did I mention we gave him money for that too), and the water gets turned off because he owes almost a thousand on the utilities bill! He never used our money to pay the bill! THEN he has the gall to tell us if we want the water turned back on WE have to pay the bill because he DOESN'T HAVE THE MONEY!!! He told us he would take the 900 off the rent... At this point we knew we were screwed.

Long story short, after a he feeds us a bunch of bull for six months, the sheriff knocks on our door and tells us we have five days to get out. And that landlord of ours still told us not to worry, we'd be fine, his lawyer will take care of it. What a crock. Thank God we found a decent place to live in two days and moved out because none of the legal standing he said he had pulled through.

We had been saving for our wedding, which WAS going to be in October, but because PHILIP PATMON stole 10,000 dollars from us we have to postpone it indefinitely. We work hard for our money and don't try to swindle it from others by pretending to be their friends and giving them "discounts" on rent. He owes for the 3,000 dollar plus deposit and two months rent of 2600 dollars, not to mention all the moving fees we incurred. Not to mention the heartbreak i went through when i got pink slipped at my job two weeks after the sheriff kicked us out.

i want our money back. What goes around comes around.

Company: Philip Patmon
Country: USA
State: California
City: Pasadena
Address: 504 South Euclid Ave, Unit 5
Phone: 6263903121
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Philip Patmon
Worked with out pay Pasadena

Brian Banfill
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Don Klein
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