Sleepy's the Professional Rip Offers and Uncompassionate Low Life

Construction & Repair

I dont know how they did it but they talked me, someone on social security, with hardly any money into signing for two beds.

Two 1,200 dollar beds, i went in their naive wanting only to spend a total of 600.00$ period, i told them right away. I thought i'd finally have something comfortable rather then the rock hard hand me downs ive been on forever, and this was my first big purchase so they seen me coming a mile away...
Vultures i tell ya'.

The first bed was was so different and wrong from the one in the store, And you guys know what that leads to. Hell!

The next salesman told me i had no chance but to sign for another bed and sell the first one on Craigslist myself...

I told him i was on social security, he told me im thinking too much. Wtf?
Anyway i had a buyer for the first bed from craigslist, all set...
Sleepy's called told me they would pick it up and not to sell it because they were bringing me the bed i origionally wanted and they assured me, because of all the trouble and phone calls i was getting that i would not be charged for 2 mattress sets... I asked specifically, about this question over and over, cause i sort of knew now how they worked. Me and the Man, who they said i needed to talk to from sleepys, agreed there would be absolutely NO extra charges, no mistakes would happen and i would just be paying the 1,224.00 period with monthly payments. Fine even though the mattress was too much i agreed to get this over with and off my back, so i could relax.

Well guess what? They picked the 1st mattress up, the one i should have sold to the nice lady with cash on craigslist, and now yes, I'm being charged for 2 beds... Totaling $2,400.00, and I still only have the one mattress set... They took the other, if i had known i would still be getting charged for two beds id have kept the other bed since they want me to pay now, and sold it. Got the money back at least.
Well, i have no money to pay for it, i said i'd start paying what i owe. 1,200$ period no more no less, but nope i am in the United collection bureau, and i did indeed start paying GE while disputing the first mattress...
Confused eh? I know i am...
They screwed me and now my credit is going to be screwed also, and all i wanted was my first comfortable mattress and a pleasant first time purchase...
I get calls all day from the collection people and i'm tired... Period.
Terrible, terrible company.
Again They seen me coming a mile away.
Ps. Melissa from sleepy's "here to Help" please dont contact me, i heard stories from all these poor people going through what i am going through and I've heard your nothing but aggravation again... And no help at all!
I wish i could just pay what i owe and tell them to leave me alone!
I already payed over 700.00, why why would they conmtinue harrassing me..

Company: Sleepy's
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Flushing
Address: 35-26 Francis Lewis Blvd
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Sleepy's Mattress' - sleepy's

Sleepys the mattress professionals sleepy's sells defective mattress to senior citizen / no resolution

Sagging back breaking mattresses!

Angela Penbrook
Paid my $197 and now i got nothing! Oh, they took thier money, but i got no code no, resoures nothing! This lady is a scam artist, something should be done to her!

My Negative Experience at Sleepy's


Complete Liar's and Scammers

Defective mattress

Freedom Club USA
Big Promises No Results

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Elite Manufacturing - Cuppy's Coffee And More - Medina Management, Emerald Coast Manufacturing REFUND OF FUNDS