National Home Gardening Club
Low Down Dirty Magizine Company - National Home Gardening Clu

Construction & Repair

I sent for a free trial for a welcome kit to see if I was interested in their magazines. Well of course I wasn't interested to I never returned the payment... Now I'm getting these stupid mails saying they're going to the collection agency to collect on the magazine dues! Bad business

Company: National Home Gardening Club
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minnetonka
Address: PO BOX 3526
Phone: 8003248454
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National Home Gardening Club
Offers free trials, then bills you for magazines/books and threatens collections

National Home Gardening Club
National Home Gardening Club threatens to turn you into a collection agency for non-payment of renewal. I signed up for 1 year and paid $12. I was automatically billed $24 after wards for an additio

National Home Gardening Club
Garden Club with no useful purpose!

National Home Gardening Club
Gave me a web address that can't be accessed

National Home Gardening Club
I was doing on=line surveys with vista survey and they automatically sais they were going to send me a free pair of gardening transplanter. Next thing i know i'm getting gardening magazines and a bil

National Home Gardening Club
This company's #1 when it comes to mail fraud and continual harassment and deceptive business practices!

National Home Gardening Club
Asked for 1 year membership at $12.00 and charged me for 2 years at $24.00

National Home Gardening Club
The National Home Gardening Club will Never let you go

National Home Gardening Club
Joined NHGC with promise of exciting free gifts! Received nothing but a worthless mag and dry-rotted seeds!

National Home Gardening Club
Duped into a wonder world of duplicity