Marshall Reddick - Cima Group - Baja Grand
Deception/Promises not kept

Construction & Repair

We attended a super weekend at a Marshall Reddick Seminar in June and purcahsed property in Baja near Ensanada. We wrote a large deposit at that time. Marshall stood up in front of everyone and gave his personal backing on this project.

They contacted us in December and needed us to put another sustancial amount of money down on the project to be put into a Bond. We sent them a check in Nov.

This project was to break ground in Baja in 18months, which would have been Dec. As of August they can't show proof of title for the property and Marshall Reddick will not respond to our calls in this matter.

We are looking for anyone who many have information or be involved in this project to help team together to get our funds returned to us.

Company: Marshall Reddick - Cima Group - Baja Grand
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: 17100 Gillette Ave
Phone: 9498858180
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Marshall Reddick Real Estate Network/CIMA Group, Inc
Broken Promises/Lost Dreams/Financial/Emotional Stress

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