Or Simply Organic Sleep
Please be advised that used to be Simply Organic Sleep which was kicked out of BBB. Beware!

Construction & Repair

My head was spinning trying to find an inexpensive latex mattress. BEWARE! Do your homework before parting with your hard earned money!

I have researched mattresses for months and have talked to many different companies. A new mattress is a big investment and I want to get it right. One thing I've noticed with some of the pricier latex bed manufacturers, is that although they claim to match prices, they always find a reason to say that the competitor's bed is inferior. Since I'd run into that before, and been a bit exasperated by it, I was a little put out recently when I ran into a latex mattress salesperson that told me that were crooks and that he'd had many customers come to him after being done wrong by Greenmattresses, or by one of their previous companies. (No delivery, wrong product delivered, dirty mattresses...)

It turns out the salesguy wasn't lying after all.

I called and asked them about their mattresses. (First of all, when I called them the first time I had to leave a voicemail and it took the guy 2 days to get back to me.) I told them that another competitor had told me that they had unsatisfactory customer service and asked him how long they'd been in busines. He said something like 20 years. He also claimed that owns Mattress Mart which, from what I can tell, is untrue. I asked him what comfort he could give me regarding my potential purchase. He said that they had "Testimonials" on the website. I checked out the testimonials and they sounded a little familiar. Lo and behold, when I went to the Simply Organic Sleep website they had testimonials that had some of the exact sentences, paired in the exact same way, with the names and locations changed, and with maybe the preceding paragraph changed. I am shocked that a company that is so slippery could have overlooked something like that. But then, that's what crooks are known for: sheer laziness. That's pretty bad when you are sooo lazy that you can't even think up original new testimonials! I wonder where they got the names of their "Happy customers"? The yellow pages maybe?

I take offense to being lied to and misled. And I take further offense to this man's attempt to take my money.

Oh - another tie to the "old" company ("Simply Organic Sleep") is the name Derald or Darrell/Daryl. Derald is the man I spoke to at, his name is also on the Simply Organic Sleep website. Many of the fake "Testimonials" are addressed to "Derald".

I am so glad that salesman from the other latex mattress company had the guts to tell-it-like-it-is about He risked running me off and he took a chance.

As far as reputable mattress companies - I understand that Lifekind, and Land and Sky ( are all reputable companies. The only company that will allow you to pay your bed out over a period of months (6) is Because of this I have decided to make my purchase from them. I figure they would not risk me not paying the balance if they intended to rip me off. Of course expects full payment up front.

Derald, if you're reading this, I want to let you know you are sowing some BAD karma seeds dude. What goes around comes around.

Company: Or Simply Organic Sleep
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Plain City
Address: 7600 Industrial Pkwy., Plain City, OH 43064
Phone: 8887140212
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Simply Organic Sleep
Mattress company using a new name - BEWARE - rocks! - Acadia Organic Latex Mattress
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My organic mattress from is first rate - organic mattress
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Simply Organic Sleep
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