Simply Organic Sleep
Mattress company using a new name - BEWARE -

Construction & Repair

Simply Organic Sleep, an online mattress company that was supposed to be selling all natural latex mattresses has made so many customers angry (and gotten into so much legal trouble, including being kicked out of the BBB) that they are now operating under a new name under the ownership of a relative. SIMPLY ORGANIC SLEEP is now operating under the name ""

They claim to own MattressMart but I can not substantiate that, I think the man told me they own Mattressmart because he thought that would give more credibility. It is possible that they sell their mattresses in the local Mattressmart, though. (Ohio) OK - Now look at the Simply Organic Sleep website, then compare Testimonials for that company with Testimonials for - you will notice that the testimonials have been changed very little from one website to the next, just enough to keep them from looking the same - but if you read the testimonials you will see that they used exact same kinds of phrases. Use your "find" feature on your browser to find exact phrases in both websites (such as "like sleeping on a cloud" and "It was not until I slept on the new mattress that I understood what I'd been missing. I now no longer (do not on the other site) toss and turn and wake up several times during the night." The name given to this review on the SOS website is "Cathy" - this review on the Greenmattresses website is attributed to "Sara." Try it yourself. Type an exact phrase from one testimonials page and search for it on the other page - BINGO - it will be there (at least until they get wind of this review and get wise to their mistake.) Other give aways include the names of the employees, like Derald/Daryl on both websites. The same people that work for Greenmattresses worked for Simply Organic Sleep.

The thing that got me most was the fact that they changed the names and locations of the "customers" on the testimonials page. THAT tells me that they COMLPLETELY FABRICATED their "testimonials" and confirms for me the fact that they are CROOKS. Don't throw your money away! Go to a reputable latex mattress dealer like Land and Sky, Lifekind, or SOVN European Sleep Systems. Best of luck to you on your mattress shopping! (But if you are reading this post, you won't need luck, because you're smart and you're doing your homework!) (Another clue that a latex mattress dealer is reputable is they are more likely to offer financing.)

Company: Simply Organic Sleep
Country: USA
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