Kenyon Page Associates, INC
My girlfriend and I we're sold an unfit home for WAY too much. Weedsport

Construction & Repair

The Kenyon's Landing Mobile home park is located in Weedsport, NY. My Girlfriend and I were sold a trailer buy one of the employees of the park. We were told that out of our original down payment of $2,000 dollars that we would have repairs done to our home by the seller of our home. Not only was nothing EVER completed but the seller and the owner of the park never met any the 6 months we have lived here, our house has almost caught fire do to unfit wiring, my windows are broke, my sink leaks, all these things are just SOME of the things we were told would be fixed.

Company: Kenyon Page Associates, INC
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Fayettville
Address: P.O. Box 693
Phone: 3156893179
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