Riverbend Sandler Pools Plano Texas

Construction & Repair

Riverbend Sandler Pools in Plano, Texas do not back the work done by their own sub contractors. The work done was unprofessional and looks like blind monkeys did it. They promised to fix it and "make us happy" but they refused to do as they promised. They make you pay in full prior to all the work being finished (it's in the fine print of their contract) thus walking away was more profitable for them. This company cannot be trusted. If you chose this company make sure they remove the fine print in the contract that allows them to get all their money before the work is approved by the homeowner. We are very disappointed!

Company: Riverbend Sandler Pools Plano Texas
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Plano
Site: www.riverbendsandlerpools.com
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Riverbend Sandler Pools

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