Bought a product that did not work

Construction & Repair

I bought a gallon jug of weed killer from lowes, 13 dollars, and it did not even wilt the weeds, it did not kill a single weed! It's called Ultra Kill weed & Grass Killer.

Company: Chemsico
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: St Louis
Address: Po Box 142642
Phone: 8003325553
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Simply put. Chemsico Ultra-Kill Ultra-Kill Weed & Grass Killer does NOT work

Chemisco, Div. of United industries Corp
Ultra Kill Weed and Grass killer does not work after two applications the grass and weeds are still growing

Division of united industries

Division of United Industries Ultra Kill Weed and Grass Killer doesnt work

Ultra-Kill Ultra-Kill Weed & Grass Killer concentrate is a lousy product

MRO Chemicals, M.R.O. Chem, Maintenence Repair Operations Chemicals, Best Supply Company, Total Solutions Banish Sells Defective "Banish" Weed Killing Product and Refuses Refund, or returned phone call

Spectrum group
United Industrial corp. The product I kill my grass

North Texas Hydroseeding
Hydroseed application produced only weeds, No. Texas Hydroseed refuses to reseed at company expense

The Ortho Group
Ortho "Weed B Gon Max" killed my St. Augustine grass

Chemsico Division Of United Industries Corp
Rid-A-Bug Ant & Roach Killer 2 Unscented Ripoff