Norman Mehlman
Takes your tenant's money and keeps it (A Property Mgr. No-No)

Construction & Repair

I am Paul Scheper, the owner of a property located at xx Stowe Acres Dr., Charlotte, NC 28262. I hired Norman to be my property manager in January when I purchased an investment property. I am an out-of-state landlord/investor.

As my property manager, Norman Mehlman collected 3 month's rent from my tenant and still has not paid me. He owes me $2925.00 plus a transferrable security deposit of $1950.00.

Norman Mehlman has always been one month behind on payments, and occasionally two month's behind. He managed to always "sweet talk" me into being patient and usually a payment would trickle in after I raised my voice to him. But, when he missed his third consecutive payment in January 1, I fired him as my property manager effective January 31. Verbally, he apologized and admitted that he was three month's behind. He asked for another chance and promised he would Federal Express me the three month's payments if I would forgive him and let him continue as the property manager. I refused and told him no.

He admitted that he also owed me the tenant's original security deposit that he took in February. The tenant claims that Norman Mehlman is holding her original security deposit equaling two month's worth of rent ($1950).

He has not paid me rent since October. He has not paid me for Nov, Dec.'07 and Jan., '08. He tried to pay for November rent in January, but bounced the check. It has never replaced the check. He is three month's behind in rent and owes me $2925.00.

I terminated our contract beginning February 1 (see attached) and my tenant (the same tenant for the past year) now makes payments directly to me.

My tenant has been a perfect tenant and has paid Norman Mehlman on time each month. She can be reached at if you have any questions. She is aware that her money never made it's way to me. She is concerned because she wants to know where her deposit is — she claims he collected 2 month's worth of rent to cover her security deposit. She has proof via a cancelled check.

I assured her that Norman Mehlman owes me the THREE missed payments — not her. I also told her that her security deposit will be recovered also because she paid him $1950.00 as a security depost and that needs to be tranferred to me in addition to the missed payments of $2925.00.

Company: Norman Mehlman
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Address: 4422 Pendale Road
Phone: 7045537928
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