Jet Movers
Delivery delay & detainment breach of contract, inflation of moving charges Tarmarac

Construction & Repair

Company Name = Jet Movers MC# 438079
Company Contact = Simon Itoh
Company Address = 706/ W. Commercial Blvd 5G
City = Tamara
State/Prov = FL
Zip2 = 33319
Country = United States
Company phone = 9545725444
Incident = Re: Job # 289458

Ref: Am. Moving Company and Storage complaint dated 08/15
Ref: USDOT complaint ref #110021804 07/11
Ref:;search "jetmovers"
Ref: BBB complaint #5235993 dated 07/06

Damage Resulting = failed to deliver within the time frame of their Contract. Poor customer service and Ndeness. Failure to deliver and attempts to charge customer storage fees for company's failure to deliver under the terms stated in their contract. Customer will Not Pay Ransom monies For property OWNED and Jet Mover's incompetency as a moving company.

Jet Movers has failed to contact by certified mail (per their contract), and has failed to produce receipts as proof of certified notices sent to customer and now (actually has been for 3 Months) threatening to auction said property from an unknown location in Florida, without having fairly notifying customer by certified Mail of their unfair intentions (no proof of 3 certified notices (their contract terms) that they claim to have sent to customer.

These actions are also a breach of contract between Jet Movers, Inc. And Michelle law, PhD, that wereinitiated by Jet Movers, Inc. Please see above references for detailed information. Resulting damages; 3 days pay for missing work because jet Movers promised to deliver but failed to deliver because of mechanical and logistical problems with the supposed one lone truck owned by Jet Moves. This resulted in a failed deliver attempts without notifying customer within a reasonable amount of time, so that customer could appear at work.
Inconvenience incurred by the detaining of personal items in possession of Jet Movers, and finally, just plain pissing me off because a bunch of little boys with a broke ass truck (Jet Mover's Inc) thought they were gonna bully and take advantage of a very well educated, smart and fearless lady (Michelle Law, PhD). Take home message; I AM Not the ONE!

Company: Jet Movers
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tamarac
Address: 7061 W. Commercial Blvd., Suite 5-G
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SAM moving and storage
UNRELIABLE MOVERS - storage container delivered to your doo - Olympus Moving and Olympus Moving ripoff! I paid in full for deliver of goods in 2-4 days. They have had my goods a month and won't return my calls.internet

Nation Wide Top Movers
Will hold your stuff ransom until you pay more than the contract price AND will not deliver all of your stuff

AAA Moving & Storage
Cross Country Moving and Storage Inc. Over Charging, Excessive Use of Supplies, Damaged Items

Team USA Moving
Moving Ripoff RIPOFFED BY Team USA Moving

Aaa Low Cost Movers
Half cost movers took advantage, over charged, fraud, scammed, scam, took my property, misleading, fake advertising, lied

Yahoo Moving and Storage, Inc
Another Moving Company Scam ripoff swindlers

Starving Students Movers, Inc. "Melanie Thompson"
Starving Students Moving Company, Inc. Starving Students Movers damaged my home during their move and they are refusing to repair the damage they cuased at my home

American Eagle Movers - Incredible Bulk Moving Co - Howard Freedman, Robert Boni
Great Service, Caring Customer Service, Professional Movers, Great Experience

A A Plus Moving and Storage
Bait and Switch