Harbor Resort Management
Star Resorts Timeshare scams you out of money. When you try to contact, you get voicemail or the run-around. Frustrating ripoff!

Construction & Repair

Dear usacomplaints.com.Com,

This is an e-mail I sent to the Las Vegas PD and DATELINE about a timeshare (Harbor Resort Mgt.) scam when we went on vacation in June. There are more complaints about this scam on usacomplaints.com.Com.innocent people losing money, but because they sign a contract, there's not much that can be done. This may make a good segment on DATELINE. PLEASE HELP BY LOOKING INTO THIS.

Me and my wife went to Las Vegas on June. We signed up for a trial timeshare from a company known as Star Resorts which were right above a police station not to far from the Riviera Hotel.

Me and my wife are both Deputies in Boise, Idaho for the Ada County Sheriff's Office and thought that because this timeshare was right above the Police Dept., it must be legit.

To make a long story short, we set up a direct deposit and placed $100.00's down. Our first payment would be about $75.00's ($74.58 to be exact) and would be taken out monthly for a year starting in August.

In December of I realized that the money was being taken out, but we received no information, paperwork, no call, etc. I contacted Star Resorts. The gentleman that I talked to (Robert Hightower) said that they were switching over to Harbor Resort Mgt., and that I should receive information soon.

In February I finally got fed up with the inappropriate business that me and my wife had received, so we went to our bank and cancelled our bank account, changed bank account numbers, checks, switched our direct deposits, etc. After about a week late on our bill to Harbor Resort, we received a call from Highland Credit Corp. Asking about why we haven't been paying our bill. I told them I cancelled my account for now until I received some type of service from Harbor Resort.

From February until present time, me and my wife call Harbor Resort and try to get to the bottom of all this. We have already paid out about $550.00's. We either are sent to a voicemail (which is often full), or talk to the receptionist who doesn't know much about anything.

Have you heard or do you have detectives working on such a case? Is there something we can do before our credit is shot due to this? I'm sure that there are many others being taken for their honest earned dollars.
Please help

Harbor Resort Mgt.
1050 East Flamingo Rd
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

Star Resort employee (when we signed up): Ray Hughes
Harbor Resort Mgt. Employees we have contacted: Robert Hightower, Dane Newton and "Debbie"

Highland Credit Corp.
P.O. Box 2829
Littleton CO 80161-2829
Customer Service: 1-800-497-2221

Company: Harbor Resort Management
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 1050 East Flamingo Rd
Phone: 7027312606
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