National Financial Solutions, Elias Taylor
Guaranteed to stop foreclosure on my home within 24 to 48 hours, charged $800, provided no service

Construction & Repair

Mr. Elias Taylor sent us a letter guaranteeing to stop a foreclosure on my house scheduled for sale on December 5. I completed and faxed him a signed contract that he required. On Wednesday, November 29, I deposited $800 cash that he requested to National Financial Solutions, LLC Bank of America Account 4883539985.

Mr. Taylor never sent me a signed copy of the contract as he had promised. He failed to return calls on Thursday and Friday, November 30 and December 1. On Saturday, December 3, he called and said that we would need to pay a lawyer $500 to $1,500 to create a "temporary restraining order" (TRO) to stop the foreclosure. On Monday, December 4, he gave me the name of a lawyer that he did not know and had never done business with.

The lawyer told me that the fee for a TRO was $5,000. We could not afford this amount. Mr. Taylor failed to provide any tangible service and outrageously ripped me off.

Company: National Financial Solutions, Elias Taylor
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Wylie
Phone: 2144024024
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